Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Beyond "San Francisco" Mediation...

Even though I live and work in (and love) San Francisco, I have intended my posts to be useful to individuals in any city or state. But I have been concerned that I might be limiting my readership to just locals, or even just Californians, by calling this "San Francisco Mediation."

I was recently introduced over the Internet to Family Law attorney Pieter M. Droppert, who practices in New Jersey and who publishes a weblog called New Jersey Family And Divorce Law Blog. Pieter posted a link on his weblog to some of my posts which he believed might be helpful to readers of his readers - in New Jersey or wherever else they may live.

I have now been reading his blog, as well as the blogs of some fellow mediators who publish blogs directed towards mediators (see my Mediation links on the side panel- they're the ones I read!), and I am happy to report that all of these blogs are relevant to my mediation and law practices regardless of the business addresses of the weblog writers. I am now getting the sense that my own weblog may have some relevance to others well outside of the San Francisco Bay Area based on the links back to my weblog. My point is to help get useful information out - and it seems to be working...

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